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ABMA in Shipping and Logistics - Level 4 
Diploma (RQF)

 In-depth knowledge of the maritime sector and its associated industries


This course has been devised to provide students with an in-depth knowledge of the maritime sector and its associated industries particularly sea ports, transport and logistics hubs, stowage, towage and warehousing. 

It is fully taking account of new legislation and the changing pattern of the maritime industry. It will enable students to comprehend fully the international environment in which modern ship owners operate and the professional ship management skills used in a competitive environment. 

The main reason for doing this course is to gain the knowledge needed, skills and specific terminology needed in the transport, logistics and shipping sectors.

For those who wish to gain a qualification in Shipping and Logistics at Level 4, they will be assessed by open book assessment by the ABMA - Association of Business Managers and Administrators – in all five units. There is progression to university of Greenwich and Portsmouth's Marine Learning Alliance. 

Preview Shipping and Logistic s brochure

Entry Requirements

English to IELTS 5.5 or 4 GCSE's and at least one GCE A level

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